Monday, October 7, 2019

Remembering an emotional visit

A recent search for "Where My Flickr Photos Are Being Used on the Internet" took me to the American Automobile Association's webpage highlighting their recommended destinations for a Civil Rights Trail Road Trip, one of several trip guides if you are driving within the Southeastern Appalachian area.

My photo of the "Outrage Hand" was taken during my visit to the the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in July 2014. I explored Atlanta on my own while Eric attended a conference. The section of the photo I took doesn't convey its actual size. It's part of a large mural, so large that I couldn't capture it all in one frame. This photo might give you a sense of scale.

My visit to the Center was educational and highly emotional. I was there about two hours and cried most of the time. The Center knows emotions will run high as there are boxes of tissues in some of the galleries.

AAA is right to include the Center on their Civil Rights Trail Road Trip. It is definitely worth a visit.
From's Civil Rights Trail Road Trip guide 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Is it Fall already?!

Maybe it's time to breathe some life into this old blog of mine with some content!

Occasionally, I google myself to see where my photos are being used on the internet. Many of my photos are available through Flickr using several Creative Commons licenses. My first post about "Where My Flickr Photos Are Being Used on the Internet" aka WMFPABUOTI debuted on Tumblr but I am fairly active there already, and post music videos and songs from my favorite bands regularly.

No, I don't have an audience but haha, I figure when I'm 80 I can laugh and reminisce about the music I enjoyed in my younger days with Tumblr as my record - if it's still around then.

Anyway, I haven't used Blogger in ages and have always wanted to keep it going somehow. So, I think I will continue WMFAPABUOTI here, on blogger instead. After a little searching earlier today,  I spotted my photo of gourds and squashes for a list of 2018 Fall Festivals in Oregon.

Decorative Gourd Season is apparently already upon us so I think the event guide post is appropriate.

From - where it's "All Halloween. All The Time."